Month: January 2017

The Email ALL Writers Should Subscribe To

Keeping it much shorter today, I absolutely *had* to share what I think is the most important email newsletter for writers. Produced by the team at, the newsletter is a weekly affair with several links to magazines and websites that accept freelance contributions. Sign up here. Better still, Freedom with Writing also produces…

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The Time Has Come to Share Some Freelance Writing Tips

I first started freelancing back in 2004 as a way to generate extra income for my impending wedding. It didn’t go too well at first, but I persisted, happily supported by a wife and monetarily backed by my day job. By 2007 things were going well enough to require a business bank account. That…

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Keeping a Diary – 12 Months Later

It recently occurred to me that that time I’ve put aside to write a diary for the past 12 months — since January 1st 2016 — could just as easily have been used to talk a bit more right here. So I’ve decided to do both. 2016 was a memorable year for many…

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