Month: August 2010

Out in the Open!

So, those of you that follow me on Twitter or Facebook will now know that all of the obscure and cryptic comments over the past few weeks have been leading up to the announcement that I have taken the big step of quitting my day job in order to write full time. This…

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Big Things

So, as the time approaches, various “big things” are in motion. Firstly, a redesign of proceeds apace, hopefully completing this weekend once a few minor things are ironed out. Secondly, the end of Quintessential Comedy; I’ve decided to end this particular blog and integrate any particularly interesting comedy related material here. Third,…

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The Big Plan

Bit early to go into detail about this, however, in a rare Doctor Who-free post, I’m going to explain how I intend to develop as a writer over the next 12 months. With the impending death of Quintessential Comedy (relevant posts will end up here) I intend to concentrate on the following: Brighthub…

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Blimey More Doctor Who!

At some point soon I hope to be able to expand beyond bits left off Kasterborous – but just a quickie to say that the three scripts for Time Leech comics are available on Part one of The Time Leech appeared in the Vworp Vworp! #1 pro/fanzine earlier this year, while part…

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More Doctor Who!

Despite the vast amount of Brighthub work that I generally don’t talk about but will be in the coming days, I have yet another Doctor Who project on the go – the biggest yet in terms of depth and timescale. As already mentioned briefly, Ultimate Regeneration is based on a selection of relevant…

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