Category: News

This is the news! The latest goings on in the world of genre media

How and Why I Relaunched Kasterborous for Podcasts

Back in 2005, I started a Doctor Who blog, Kasterborous, which at one stage was a popular resource for fans looking for news and reviews. By 2015, however, I’d had enough, and sold the site. Everything was over, other than the podKast with a K, a Doctor Who podcast. …except, not all of…

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I Attended a Sitcom and Comedy Writing Workshop!

As previous posts will indicate, I have spent many years dabbling with various comedy scripts. I’ve regularly entered the BBC Writer’s Room Sitcom scheme, for example, with a couple of other initiatives and competitions along the way. I have four or five scripts drifting around, but so far failed to get anywhere with…

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All My Tech Blogging Tips

Beyond the worlds of Doctor Who and trying to write comedy (more on that in a later post), you may know that I write extensively about technology. This is my primary income, and currently ranges from writing for Linux Format (Future plc) to contributing and editing at, as well as producing a…

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The Time Has Come to Share Some Freelance Writing Tips

I first started freelancing back in 2004 as a way to generate extra income for my impending wedding. It didn’t go too well at first, but I persisted, happily supported by a wife and monetarily backed by my day job. By 2007 things were going well enough to require a business bank account. That…

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When Should Writers Stop Waiting for Feedback?

I could be playing a videogame. Or I could be revising Aliens vs Nazis for the 90th time. As it is, I’m wondering about the fate of a couple of scripts that I’ve entered into competitions (Red Planet and BBC Writers Room) in the past 6 months. I’ve no doubt that neither has…

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RIP Android Magazine – My First Print Gig

Well, that was a lot of fun while it lasted. Sadly, Android Magazine is no more, with issue 63 its final edition. Back in early 2013 I was contacted by then-editor Andy Betts, who had seen some of my Android-related articles on He was interested in bringing me in as a freelancer,…

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Slight Victory of the Former Doctor Who Website Owner

Damn. I really don’t want to keep banging on about this… but things haven’t quite been sorted out with the use of my name at What’s worse, I thought things had been fixed… which superficially, they have. The problem is that the solution taken by Kasterborous’ new owners breaches my copyright. Not…

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Work on “Northern Rock” Commences

I’m currently working on a book about influential North East rock musicians. Currently titled “Northern Rock”, the book will also hopefully establish why there is no definitive cliche, no shorthand to easily describe the many important groups and musicians who grew up in Teesside and North Yorkshire, County Durham, Wearside and Tyneside over…

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Next eBook: Research Your Family Tree Online

I’m delighted to say that I’ve started work on a new eBook for MakeUseOf, currently titled Research Your Family Tree Online! Although covering the use of’s vast archive of census, immigration and military records, the guide will also look at offline methods of data collation for family tree research as these are…

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My Latest Ebook: From Print To Kindle And Beyond

I’ve just discovered that my latest eBook, From Print To Kindle And Beyond, has been published. Available through MakeUseOf and on Amazon for Kindle devices, the book draws on my experiences writing and publishing Ultimate Regeneration in 2010-2011. For me, the process was a massive learning curve. Really the only advantage I had…

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