Beyond the worlds of Doctor Who and trying to write comedy (more on that in a later post), you may know that I write extensively about technology.

This is my primary income, and currently ranges from writing for Linux Format (Future plc) to contributing and editing at, as well as producing a tech podcast for technophobes, the Really Useful Podcast [itunes link]. Over the years I’ve contributed to many websites, magazines, bookazines, newspapers, and even radio shows.

So it occurred to me in late 2018 that I might have some tips to pass on. In all honesty, this was a thought that more or less drifted away until the news of various online news sites (in particular Buzzfeed) were cutting back on their newsroom teams. A surprising number of journalists were being sacked, quite publicly, and being targeted for abuse on social media with the unnecessarily curt hashtag #learntocode.

Now, there is of course some value in learning to code. However, I’ve been trying it for years and all I can get to stick is HTML (this itself took time; it wasn’t until I learned its origins in newspaper editing markup that I was able to get a grip on it).

It’s probable that the majority of writers simply aren’t wired to code. But that doesn’t mean they can’t write about technology.

Tech Is All Around

Almost all of us rely on technology for work and entertainment. Or transport, education, and healthcare. Oh, and to keep us safe, manage our bank accounts, home security, and access and monitor utilities.

Tech is, quite literally, all around us. Technology can be tricky to get a handle on, somewhat opaque. But if you can find that key to understanding and have the ability to communicate that new found knowledge in a relatable way, you can make a difference to anyone struggling with the same technology.

Whether a smartphone, computer, games console, VPN, or even automotive technology, people are searching for answers online right now.

So, with all of this in mind, I’ve launched It’s a slow start, but the idea is simple enough: I dig deep, draw on my experience recall the early days, and how things have improved for new writers. So many opportunities are out there for writers, and tech websites are popping up all the time.

With a unique voice, clear writing, and determination, the tech writing sector is open for business.