I’m currently writing a blog post for www.devicemag.com – and the subject is using Word 2010 as a blog editor. While it doesn’t offer the rich media options you might find with Scribefire it is a great use for this popular application. Here’s how the post begins…
I discovered that it is possible to write and publish a blog post using the world’s most popular word processing application, Microsoft Word.
And why shouldn’t it be? After all, it makes perfect sense that Microsoft should want their users to employ Word for all word processing tasks, not just the ones that take place on documents stored on their PC or laptop. Microsoft have become more and more aware of the wider uses for their Office applications in recent years…
It is interesting how the editing options are decreased to the standard basic formatting and some insert features – I expect that this allows Word to remain largely compatible with the impressive selection of blogging platforms it can connect with.
The full posting will no doubt be published later this week – in the meantime, in case you haven’t guessed, this post was written in Word!