Despite the vast amount of Brighthub work that I generally don’t talk about but will be in the coming days, I have yet another Doctor Who project on the go – the biggest yet in terms of depth and timescale.

As already mentioned briefly, Ultimate Regeneration is based on a selection of relevant articles and reviews from Kasterborous since early 2005.

Here’s the initial announcement:

Ultimate Regeneration is the title of the first book from Kasterborous. Written and edited by Christian Cawley, ably assisted by Brian Terranova and with contributions from Anthony Dry, Simon Mills, Thomas Willam Spychalski, Gareth Kavanagh and many more, the book tells the real-time critical story of the Russell T Davies era of Doctor Who.

Featuring essays, articles, reviews and interviews, the full story is put into context with a running commentary on the main events in Doctor Who news and fandom.

With 60 Doctor Who reviews from Rose to The End of Time, Part Two, over 30 articles including character, actor and writer profiles and bursting with typical Kasterborous verve, Ultimate Regeneration tells the full story of the 2005-2010 era of Doctor Who, covering 2 Doctors, 5 companions and one visionary showrunner.

The release date is still TBC – however, Ultimate Regeneration will be available directly from

It has been quite an undertaking too!

While it is far too early to do this at the moment, I am intending to recall the process of actually compiling the book – something that began in late 2009 – as well as writing and researching the additional information.

We’re quite lucky in that there has been certain material left off Kasterborous over the years, meaning that we can feature 100% original content in the book as well as the reviews from the website.

This is in sharp contrast to the majority of blogs-turned-books, some of which have been lucky to feature even the best content from their original home.

As things stand, the book should be complete by October – there is a definite aim to have it available to purchase before Christmas.