Bit early to go into detail about this, however, in a rare Doctor Who-free post, I’m going to explain how I intend to develop as a writer over the next 12 months.

With the impending death of Quintessential Comedy (relevant posts will end up here) I intend to concentrate on the following:

  • Brighthub
  • Kasterborous
  • The Gadget Monkey

In addition to these, I’ll be expanding my ability and experience developing more personal projects, such as

  • The Riding Office
  • Valvestate

…as well as making myself available for copywriting jobs and press releases.

The question of  “how” I am going to do this is of course something I’ll be explaining in due course – however in the meantime, I need to decide what to do with Cult Britannia, a website which I feel has legs, especially given the amount of non-Doctor Who material we get sent at Kasterborous that otherwise gets binned.

However of course I once thought Quintessential Comedy had legs… we’ll see how it goes.