I’ve just been informed by the WordPress app that I have published a post on this blog 14 times on the trot!

That is far more than I expected when I started this experiment. I’ve been really pleased with how many people have read my inane ramblings, which has certainly encouraged me. So, if you want me to stop blogging, you’d better stop reading…

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve learned more about blogging than I have for years. Things like when to post, and how much to write, are important.

However, I think the key thing is that there really isn’t any way to grasp what will prove to be popular. My two most popular posts so far have been about the Dorman Long building and my 16th wedding anniversary.

The crossover there is non-existent.

So, if I’ve learned anything it is that you will read anything.

Who knows where this might lead…?