There is something strange going on in the world of social media. Twitter – that badly calibrated barometer of far left insanity – is always miles more fun on a Friday.

Every other day of the week (save the football-heavy Saturdays, which comes with its own mix of moods and madness and armchair managers) Twitter is a swamp of bad takes on bad takes, topped off with a seriously unhealthy dose of intersectional insecticide or whatever it’s called. It’s easy to avoid if you keep your topics narrow, but often the popular discourse of the site seeps into trending topics and they’re hard to ignore.

Now, the same can happen on a Friday, but there’s also a demob spirit about the last working day of the week. In fact, it’s that good on a Friday that I pretty much persist with Twitter purely for the fun and frolics of the fifth day of the week (think it’s the sixth? Take it up with my 4 year old).

I’m not strictly a fan of social networks. Facebook I can take or leave with its ever-tightening bridle. LinkedIn seems a necessity (and in fairness I’ve got a bit of work through it). I persist with Twitter mainly because it’s possible to find sensible people there, incredibly, if you know where to look.

I’ve just dipped in for a cursory glance to back up this assertion. I’ve been greeted with a picture of Paul McCartney crossing Abbey Road with a bear foot (as opposed to bare), and a nice satirical image:

It certainly isn’t all sweetness and light – it never is – but for 8.50am that’s a good start. Other days are just endless complaining about presenter A from show B on channel X. Dull, depressing whingeing and banging on about the same old stuff, day after day.

We’ve all done it (yeah, guilty m’lud).

But Fridays do tend to be different. A picture of Romanian footballers with rescue puppies; actor Simon Osborne recalling his appearance in Blackadder III: Dish and Dishonesty; ednless footage of proto SNP fash Humza Yousaf falling off some sort of one-legged wheelchair/walker for leg injuries; and this bloody gem.

So, I’m sure it’s the spirit of the impending weekend that makes Twitter such a pleasurable place on a Friday. I have considered avoiding it through the week until the happy day turns around, but I fear that would dampen the pleasure of four drudge days and a demob day.

Now, if only someone could do something about Facebook…