Month: March 2010

Get Over It, Me

Aha – yes I must confess, I’ve been sweating over something for the past couple of days that really hasn’t been pleasant. I’m just about over the disappointment of being turned down for a gig I was really interested in doing – which happens quite often but on this occasion I was invited…

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Big Opportunity

I woke up on Sunday morning with a vague recollection that something rather smashing had come my way this weekend. Due to the intake of wine the evening before, however, I wasn’t quite able to collect my thoughts for long enough for it to really hit home. (I should add at this stage…

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Don’t Forget Love

Relatives are important – for several reasons: They love you

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Loads of great stuff to do this week – not least playtesting Napoleon: Total War for either review or walkthroughs or if I’m really lucky – both! I haven’t been this excited by a strategy game in years, and I’m certain this is going to be great fun. Meanwhile I’ve got 4 days…

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