Relatives are important – for several reasons:

  • They love you
  • One or two of them brought you up
  • They won’t always be here
  • You might not always be here

Of course, there are other reasons, but the point is this – don’t eschew love for the next blog post, ad, page, chapter, novel or whatever it is you’re writing.

As this month progresses, I’m seeing fewer opportunities to complete a couple of personal projects and competitions (including the Big Finish short story) – Kasterborous and my quest to find writers for The Gadget Monkey must take priority beyond submitting a good amount of work for Bright Hub.

Which is why I dropped the chance to stay home on Saturday night to laboriously publish Doctor Who news on Kasterborous after a couple of days writing tech articles. With a trip planned on Sunday taking me away until midweek, it seemed more important to see family members before leaving.

Sure, I was left with a lot of work to complete upon my return – but returning refreshed and full of beans was worth it!