Month: July 2010

Ghost Train on Kasterborous

Along with the usual news, reviews and even an interview with Kasterborous designer Anthony Dry, Brian (Terranova) and I have agreed to feature a new Doctor Who comic strip on the site – which in turn demands a new search for an illustrator! Ghost Train has already been re-imagined as an Eleventh Doctor…

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Audio from The Riding Officer

As promised, here is an audio sample from the recent Sitcom Trials performance of The Riding Officer! Hope if gives you a chuckle… Listen to the first part of The Riding Officer

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The Riding Officer

So – entered a competition recently. The Sitcom Trials at The Lass O’Gowrie in Manchester took place last night, and my first complete (well, ten minutes) comedy script got as far as being performed along two others! Based on the barely-known job of the Riding Officers of the North Yorkshire coast in the…

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The Death of Comedy

So a lot of work has been done over recent months with the aim of positioning myself so basically survive outside the traditional workplace. By focussing on these income streams, a few sacrifices are having to be made – and one of these is My “great idea” of 2006 was to have…

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