Category: Comedy

Who the Hell Is Mick Karma?

Regular readers (both of you) will recall I mentioned something secret in my last blog (under the section “Secret Squirrel”) which I expected to be shortly revealed. Well, it goes like this. In September, I started a course teaching me how to approach stand up comedy. Over the course of 8 weeks I…

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Still Working With Barry Meat

I seem to have been working on this book for years but I thought it might be good to confirm that I still intend to complete the Barry Meat travel guide to Yorkshire. With scant time to learn, I have nevertheless got to grips with Canva and have several pages laid out with…

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RIP #Newsjack, But I Was Over You Years Ago

As someone who aspires to write comedy, I’ve spent a whole lot of time over the past 12 years attempting to get material on Newsjack. But hearing of its demise yesterday has left me… somewhat relieved, actually. Personally I don't feel it was the same after Romesh Ranganathan left, but that's quite a…

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The Ghosts of British Sitcom

I have recently been unwell. A by-product of this – the waking hours, at least – was finally getting the chance to watch Ghosts, the much-loved BBC sitcom/comedy drama (depending on how your bread is buttered on such distinctions). Having already enjoyed the first episode previously, I launched in to episode 2, but……

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Scripts and Things: What I Learned from the Comedy Writing Workshop

Following on from my notes about the comedy workshop I attended, I thought it might be a good idea to share some of the material from the session. Two intensive scripting exercises were set during the day, in between talking, “workshopping,” and watching the first episode of Modern Family. The first was a…

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I Attended a Sitcom and Comedy Writing Workshop!

As previous posts will indicate, I have spent many years dabbling with various comedy scripts. I’ve regularly entered the BBC Writer’s Room Sitcom scheme, for example, with a couple of other initiatives and competitions along the way. I have four or five scripts drifting around, but so far failed to get anywhere with…

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Chipping Away at the Coal Face of Comedy

Odd thing about this blog is that I find it hard to just be me, rather than the writer guy who is doing well. Guiding people through the world of tech is one thing. It’s not what I see myself doing long-term, however. Instead, I want to write novels. Maybe comic strips. Perhaps…

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Big Things

So, as the time approaches, various “big things” are in motion. Firstly, a redesign of proceeds apace, hopefully completing this weekend once a few minor things are ironed out. Secondly, the end of Quintessential Comedy; I’ve decided to end this particular blog and integrate any particularly interesting comedy related material here. Third,…

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Audio from The Riding Officer

As promised, here is an audio sample from the recent Sitcom Trials performance of The Riding Officer! Hope if gives you a chuckle… Listen to the first part of The Riding Officer

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The Riding Officer

So – entered a competition recently. The Sitcom Trials at The Lass O’Gowrie in Manchester took place last night, and my first complete (well, ten minutes) comedy script got as far as being performed along two others! Based on the barely-known job of the Riding Officers of the North Yorkshire coast in the…

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