Well a couple of lighter weeks gave me the chance to enter the massively over-subscribed Big Finish pitch-a-thon, with the result that I’m not pinning any hopes on my entry, regardless of how happy I was with it.

Minor book development has taken place, with something that evolved from my own endless struggle to get a particular book published drawing some encouraging noises from a couple of esteemed peers. I hope to include a sample of Eric’s Book at some point in the near future…

Incidentally, I don’t know if you’ve come across Lemon by Barnaby Eaton-Jones?  Barnaby is part of the OFFSTAGE Theatre Group and an all-round great chap, and recently had his first book published. I’ve made it to the end of the prologue so far (purely due to the fact that I’m reading Terry Pratchett’s Unseen Academicals at the moment) and it’s a great start to a book with a great premise:

Spencer leads a simple life as an insignificant Data Input Operator and this suits him fine. But then a mix-up by the post office leads to a case of mistaken identity and his simple life becoming suddenly and dangerously complicated.

Meanwhile, redevelopment of The Gadget Monkey has taken place, with new contributors on the way. This is exciting, as it will mean I can keep the site running without having to contribute myself – a similar strategy is on the cards for Quintessential Comedy and the launch of Cult Britannia.

It’s not all good news though – I had been hoping to manage my time on a six weekends on/two weekends off basis for submitting content to Brighthub. Sadly that isn’t going to be possible due to a couple of Brighthub-centric reasons, which is a great shame as I was massively refreshed by having two weekends off!