It has evidently been several weeks since I last posted – in that time I’ve managed to reorganise my free time in order to continue submitting content to BrightHub and prepare myself for the impending Open University course that starts in May.

Meanwhile, my own special project that I will reveal to the world as soon as I can is halfway through its second draft, and I’ve also submitted a synopsis for a short story collection.

The date for the 2010 general election was announced this week. Can’t help feeling a bit helpless about the whole thing what with corporate interests and those of other external elements, but I reckon if everyone votes for what they want rather than one of the three main parties then the ruling classes will have to sit up and take notice.

Oh, also started development of the first Valvestate comic strip, with a couple of comic artists in mind. Don’t know if it will be publish quality, although I certainly hope so. Time Leech part 3 is also set to go on Kasterborous this week in the run up to the Dalek episode on TV!