Aha! High time for an update, I think, given the amount of work I’ve been doing lately, it’s time for some sort of proof!

While there remains no update from Big Finish as to who the lucky competition winner was (hope springs eternal, nevertheless) I’ve made several changes to my writing schedule.

With regard to Brighthub, I’m now providing around 30 articles per month. This is to facilitate both some time off, windows for weekend breaks, and so that I can manage my coursework, having recently started a new module in my Web Applications Certificate.

Meanwhile, Kasterborous is now fully equipped with three completed Time Leech comic strips. That was quite a time-consuming project, and I’m glad to say it was very satisfying and visually surpassed my expectations. The script took a lot of tweaking, especially on the last part, but massive thanks to Justin Abbot and Rick Lundeen, not to mention John Freeman and Colin Brockhurst.

Sticking with the errant Time Lord, the time has come to admit what we’re doing – it’s a book! The “Special Project” is a collection of articles and reviews from Kasterborous, written by myself and Brian Terranova and a few others, PLUS about 30% new and original material covering Doctor Who from 2005-2010. Rather than the same endless talking heads and summaries, Ultimate Regeneration is a real-time, week by week critical appreciation of every episode from Rose to The End of Time.

Very exciting! Timescale-wise, we don’t know when it will be ready just yet, but it is looking very good indeed!