Category: News

This is the news! The latest goings on in the world of genre media

Out in the Open!

So, those of you that follow me on Twitter or Facebook will now know that all of the obscure and cryptic comments over the past few weeks have been leading up to the announcement that I have taken the big step of quitting my day job in order to write full time. This…

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Audio from The Riding Officer

As promised, here is an audio sample from the recent Sitcom Trials performance of The Riding Officer! Hope if gives you a chuckle… Listen to the first part of The Riding Officer

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My First Post!

So – my new, personal home on the web at last! This is a place for musings, trying out ideas and generally keeping track of the projects I’m working on. They’re easy to lose track of as it is – I daresay it will bring back memories in a few years time to…

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