Hospital trips, collaborating on keywords and rifling out content – not to mention applying for some additional gigs – have been the main themes this week as I completed my first 4-weekly month as a full-time freelancer!

However forefront of my mind this morning is “should I merge this blog with my Tumblr account?”

There seems to be two schools of thought on this, but I haven’t quite decided on my answer to it just yet as I have slightly bigger fish to fry – namely the Kasterborous Doctor Who Book that has been an ongoing project for around a year now one way or another, and is finally nearing completion. So vital is it to get the book in a near-complete stage this week that I’m spending two solid days, Sunday and Monday, to put as much into this as possible prior to an official launch on the Kasterborous website.

I’ve also started playing with Zemanta, which adds interesting context to blogs as a browser add-on. For instance, it has just scoured the web for relevant links to this post:

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