I’ve just discovered that my latest eBook, From Print To Kindle And Beyond, has been published. Available through MakeUseOf and on Amazon for Kindle devices, the book draws on my experiences writing and publishing Ultimate Regeneration in 2010-2011.

Your Guide To Self-Publishing. From Print To Kindle And Beyond by Christian Cawley

For me, the process was a massive learning curve. Really the only advantage I had was that I’d been working on it for so long when it came to publishing Ultimate Regeneration that technology had moved on slightly.

Since then I’ve obviously found myself in more eBooks thanks to the MUO editorial team, but I reckoned that there was enough to share from the Ultimate Regeneration and Time Leech experiences.

While there are no doubt bigger experts out there, I would hope that the information and suggestions I make in this eBook are enough to help first timers out, or even persuade anyone sat on the fence that self-publishing (in print or electronically) is a sensible route for their book.