For some reason I expected the first week of freelancing to be pretty uneventful. After all, the idea for the first couple of months is to multiply four-fold the amount of freelancing I was doing already. I had also managed to secure a new position writing for (a great technical resource) so reckoned between that and Brighthub things would be OK.

And so far they have been.

However, as with any great change, I’ve learned a bit about myself this week, notably:

  1. I talk to myself. A lot.
  2. I miss the “audience” that the presence of co-workers bring.
  3. I dislike Richard Madeley intensely (thanks to Chris Evans taking a holiday on Radio 2).
  4. Radio 3 is a great alternative to the pounding rock track that often blasts out from my PC speakers.
  5. After several months of speculation and weekend practice, I pretty much correctly estimated the amount of time needed to be spent on writing!

Of course all of this is incidental – the most important thing to report is that I’ve come through my first week pretty much unscathed, other than a minor issue with two mobile phones and the Android operating system.

By the same note, I’ve also realised that I need to:

  1. Find at least one additional regular gig
  2. Push on with the Kasterborous Book
  3. Update this very blog a little more regularly

While I’m here, of course, a massive thanks to everyone who sent messages of encouragement – they meant a lot, and I really have had the most interesting week. It feels like the beginning of a fascinating new adventure!