Back in 2005, I started a Doctor Who blog, Kasterborous, which at one stage was a popular resource for fans looking for news and reviews. By 2015, however, I’d had enough, and sold the site. Everything was over, other than the podKast with a K, a Doctor Who podcast.

…except, not all of it. An agreement of sale was that the content belonged to the original authors; another was that they only wanted the .com address. As a result, I retained a copy of the content library, as well as the address. Over the years, some of the articles have been reused on another site, as well as on the site, which is where the podcast was hosted.

Which brings us to today. A few months ago I decided to make better use of the URL. With around 400 podcasts and a ton of written content, it makes sense. However, it is important to note that the written content on the site will only be by those of us involved with founding the original Kasterborous, or on the podcast. New articles will come along, while the older material by other authors is enjoyed elsewhere.

Not a News Site

I’ve been working on this relaunch for *months*. In the end, it took about three days to do. The reason is simple: I was thinking of as a news site. As soon as I matched the lack of desire for this with the urge to keep things simple and rely mostly on material from my own hand, plus the aim to avoid Google ads on the site, everything became straightforward.

Perhaps the most important aspect of the new site is that I want it to be low-key. There is no chasing news, no sensationalist (or self-aware, self-indulgent, sensationalist) headlines. Instead, in many ways, it’s an extension of this site. Things I love looking at and writing about, mixed up with podcasts with people I share a few things in common with.

So, along with Doctor Who discussion, some of the other podcasts will get new episodes. And there will be thoughts and writing on everything from retro gaming to naff TV direction, books, maybe even attire.

You can find the Kasterborous podcast on iTunes.