Tag: kasterborous

How and Why I Relaunched Kasterborous for Podcasts

Back in 2005, I started a Doctor Who blog, Kasterborous, which at one stage was a popular resource for fans looking for news and reviews. By 2015, however, I’d had enough, and sold the site. Everything was over, other than the podKast with a K, a Doctor Who podcast. …except, not all of…

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Slight Victory of the Former Doctor Who Website Owner

Damn. I really don’t want to keep banging on about this… but things haven’t quite been sorted out with the use of my name at www.kasterborous.com. What’s worse, I thought things had been fixed… which superficially, they have. The problem is that the solution taken by Kasterborous’ new owners breaches my copyright. Not…

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SheKnows Nothing

As technology writing and family life have occupied my time over the past few months, I’ve not really been keeping an eye on what www.kasterborous.com – the website that I setup in 2004 with illustrator Anthony Dry – was up to. I’d assumed that a new editor had been installed and that it…

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So, I’m just about to embark on my fourth week as a freelance writer. I’ve learned a few things in this time, but most importantly, I’ve discovered that if you send an email, make sure you have regular access to the account you sent it from. D’oh! I enquired to a website recently…

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High-Value Update

This is quite an exciting day – the opportunity to earn my “bill money” in the space of 5 articles rather than the usual 8! As I write this, a virtual installation of Windows XP is taking place (onto which a security application I’m testing will be installed) while simoultaneously a second security-related…

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Big Things

So, as the time approaches, various “big things” are in motion. Firstly, a redesign of Kasterborous.com proceeds apace, hopefully completing this weekend once a few minor things are ironed out. Secondly, the end of Quintessential Comedy; I’ve decided to end this particular blog and integrate any particularly interesting comedy related material here. Third,…

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Blimey More Doctor Who!

At some point soon I hope to be able to expand beyond bits left off Kasterborous – but just a quickie to say that the three scripts for Time Leech comics are available on www.kasterborous.com. Part one of The Time Leech appeared in the Vworp Vworp! #1 pro/fanzine earlier this year, while part…

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Coming Up…

Balancing study with Brighthub is going remarkably well, although it seems that there is scope to increase my Brighthub output if certain situations change in the near future. We’ll have to see how this goes, of course… In between having fantasies of reforming bands and entering competitions on Absolute, I’ve been expanding the…

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Brighthub Free Week!

Most months I spend the majority of my spare time flipping between Kasterborous news items and writing and submitting content to Brighthub. Most of the K stuff gets done on a morning or evening, while the Brighthub content takes up a lot of my weekends. Obviously this can prove frustrating, especially when I’m…

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