Well, that was a lot of fun while it lasted. Sadly, Android Magazine is no more, with issue 63 its final edition.

Back in early 2013 I was contacted by then-editor Andy Betts, who had seen some of my Android-related articles on MakeUseOf.com. He was interested in bringing me in as a freelancer, and as I’d been determined to move into print, this suited me just fine. While writing for the magazine (and, indeed, all of the Imagine Publishing publications I’ve been involved with) seemed quite jarring at first – features, tutorials and reviews all use a template-based approach – I was focused on getting it right, and my first Android tutorials appeared in #23.

Before long, I was embedded in the Hacker Zone, the yellow pages two-thirds of the way through the magazine targeting advanced users, and maintained my place here until issue 63 (with a couple of breaks). In total, I contributed to 31 editions of Android Magazine, almost half its lifespan!

So, it is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to this marvellous magazine, always superbly researched and written. I suppose its closure represents various changing habits, from magazine buying to what people expect from their smartphones. But it gave me a very important stepping on point into the world of print, and I’m very happy to have been involved.