Category: Original Comedy

Highway to Hell

Here’s a sample from a script I’ve been writing about two musicians and their desperate attempts to make it… Dave is strumming away on his Les Paul replica, while Mick wails, cracking open a can of Carling as he goes.  This is convenient, as Mick’s surname is Whails; Dave’s is Strummer MW: Whoahhhhh…

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I talk to the trees

Prince Charles has recently been challenged by ministers to prove that GM crops are an environmental disaster waiting to happen. The big question is – how does he know, who told him, and will ministers accept evidence based on hearsay and attributed to barley?

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This Shrinking Isle

News from the Environment Agency finally proves that everyone is after the raft of free benefits that the British Government hands out without blinking to asylum seekers and minorities. Now everybody at the Department of the Environment or whatever it’s called these days is concerned that the UK is shrinking as well as…

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News from the Environment Agency finally proves that everyone is after the raft of free benefits that the British Government hands out without blinking to asylum seekers and minorities. The only reason the coastline is under threat from erosion from the sea is that mermaids are trying to get into the country to…

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Hi, I’m Les Sex

Hello, my name is Leslie Essex, and I’m an adult movie cameraman.  That’s right, I film pornos.  And let me tell you, all those guys that say its dull, boring, unglamorous, uninteresting and what have you – they’re lying, mostly likely married. Oh don’t get me wrong, it can be a long shoot…

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Crabladder or Bust

I referred some time ago to my own short-lived experience as a stand-up comic after entering the BBC’s Young Talent competition in 1999/2000 (can’t remember which). The material on offer by me was around 95% original, with only the shoehorning of a good joke in at the end possibly jarring slightly. There I…

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Rebranding exercise

Here’s a short sketch I wrote recently which no doubt needs some work, as well as a bit of a punchline… ADVERTISING AGENCY MEETING ROOM. PICTURES OF PEGS AND CHARTS AND ACTUAL PEGS AND PEOPLE WITH LAPTOPS AND MORE CHARTS AND BROCHURES. 1st adman: Our client, Rosalie Hearne, has been successfully been manufacturing…

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Canoeing Home for Christmas

[singlepic=59,320,240,,right]With the news that the canoe couple John and Anne Darwin have been sentenced to six years, it stirred a scene of a presumed-dead father paddling across the Atlantic to see his sons in time for Christmas, feigning amnesia. While Quintessential Comedy in no way condones money laundering – we don’t even have…

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Record Breaking Failure

Not so much comedy as insanely optimistic, the a fundraising effort for the North East Air Ambulance resulted in an attempt to break the world record for girls in bikinis in one place failing miserably on Sunday July 20th, on the cold and frigid location of Redcar seafront in North Yorkshire.A paltry 320…

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